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If you check out the Naturally Indulgent website as much as I do, then you might have noticed that’s had a bit of an update recently. It probably won’t change much inbetween now and the shop opening save to put some exciting new products in the “what we do” section; you’ll hear about them here first though so no need to start frantically clicking away just yet.

Really I’ve got nothing to write since I’ve just spent all day getting pissed and watching the boatrace, yay Cambridge! I knew that university degree was good for something, even if it is just gloating rights for one day each year some years over some other people. Score!

It’s Easter today, or at least it has been for the past hour or so, and I suppose it would be a really good idea for me to do a review of Easter eggs or something like that, but to be honest, I don’t really feel like it. I love Easter, it’s ranks waaay up there with like Kwanza or something in my favourite holidays of the year, partly because it’s the time of the year when you can gorge yourself on chocolate and not feel in the least bit self conscious, but mostly because it’s the time of the year just before the most important chocolate festival of the year.

Post Easter Tuesday is the time when you can gorge yourself on half price chocolate and not feel in the least bit self conscious. I’m sure Jesus would approve.

Since I’d looked round a little bit in Brick Lane and found a whole load of property yesterday, I thought I should go and have another look tonight after training. It ended up pretty late and I felt a little bit like I deserved to be mugged wandering around alone in East London looking gormlessly at derelict buildings. Luckily though, I didn’t get mugged and even better I think I managed to convince someone who asked me for directions that I wanted to mug him. Yesssssss score one for the sprunty threaten-o-meter.

That would have been good enough for me, but I got an added bonus in thatI think I’ve found the perfect property. There are some damn nice places on Brick Lane itself, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they’ll be too expensive for me so today I walked a little further than I did last time hoping to find something a little more scuzzy. Down at the end of the road is this tiny little shop with what looks like a sort of burnt out shell that used to be an appartment up above it. The whole thing looks like it would have been really tacky and awful about 30 years and since then people have left it alone except for the tramps who occasionally come in to break the windows, burn stuff and then piss in the corner. It has a “to let” sign above it, but clearly no one has ever wanted the building because it was so faded I couldn’t read the number to call on it or anything. Hopefully the estate agent next door will know who’s it is, maybe they’re letting it, they certainly look run-down enough. Going to have to go back on Saturday to take a look round during the day when the agents’ll be open.

I just had to leave the best thing about the shop to last… it used to sell porn.